Seizure Salad!
Okay, so while at a mall in Indiana, the crew and I were busy promoting the magic show. We have a little kiosk setup to sell magic tricks, show tickets, and more. I am on a broom suspension for 2-4 hours at a time, just to draw people's attention.
Well, I'm floating. 100-150 people are walking past every minute or so, it's a high-traffic area that is getting us a lot of exposure. I look over just in time to see one of our stage hands apparently trip, fall flat on his face an begin shaking violently. He was carrying an energy drink, which he crumpled and quickly released.
It's funny, actually, looking back. I wish he could've seen himself bust...
Anyway, I yelled out his name, then our bosses' name, and pointed. Soon a few people were crowded near him to help him through it. Meanwhile, I'm floating. Stuck. I was now basically in charge of trying to distract people from the tremor-ridden boy 30 feet away, writing in agony in his leather and chains.
This all would've been marked as just an "odd occurrence," had it not been for this one family that stopped by me.
The mom asked me, "What's wrong with him?" And seeing her young kids looking worried next to her, I politely whispered, "He'll be fine." The kids say, "mommy what's wrong with that man over there?!" She looks at me for an answer, and I nervously, quietly reply, "he's having a seizure. He's had them before and there are two trained paramedics on our staff helping him through it now."
I kid you not, she looks at her kids and says, "kids, his brain went *makes explosion noise, and gestures to simulate a head combusting*, he'll be okay."
It was everything I could do to not bust out laughing.
I told our stagehand this after he got back from a checkup at the local hospital.
He got the security tape from the mall and now plays the footage of this mom "exploding his head" for all of his friends.
Epileptic in a Lettuce Patch
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.