So, it's not often I get to share good news. Therefore, let me get the stuff out of the way currently irking me.
My phone is off. I've lost two shows and an agent because of it. So much for getting back on my feet doing what I love. My storage unit will be on lean if I can't come up with the money to pay for it tomorrow. Funny... ONE of those shows would've done that no problem...
My websites are all about to be offline, because when GoDaddy called me to confirm rebilling they got the message "This number is invalid" or whatever. They sent me an e-mail saying they have no choice but to cancel the service unless I can call them back. Since I have no idea when I'll get service returned, I can safely assume i'm just fuckin' screwed on that one and deal with it later... so much for advertising online...
Anyway, little bit more bad..
I'm on a friend's couch for a couple of nights before my next move. I have no extra clothes (and these look soooooo trashy), no shaving razor, no toothbrush, no phone, no camera, and the socks that I DO have I only put on in a rush the other day. They're the moldy ones from a hiking trip I took a while back through a creek and just left them in the shoes to dry... they're horrible, but all I have for now.
I'm living off of ravioli and miller lite.
no telling what my family thinks happened to me. They don't use e-mail regularly enough... so they probably think I'm dead or worse.
Good stuff?
Tomorrow sometime a good friend is taking me to the house where all my stuff is to pack it all up (what we can fit in the truck) and I'm moving into his extra room for a while. I'll sleep comfortably on the floor, setup the studio there so I can continue working. Another friend landed me a job with a car dealership not far from the place I'm moving to, and it's supposed to pay killer money.
If that pays like he says, I'll have ALL of my debts covered in 2 months, my own place in 3, and a brand new car by the end of the summer. After that is all easy livin'.
So, having lots of extra cash to do whatever with and still being able to house and run the studio? Heck yes.
21 is going to be the year of my life where I fix everything wrong with myself.
Either just for me or for the next person who decides they like me...
Already found an apartment I like. Inexpensive and way cool... July? Most likely.
Things are (mostly) looking up...
there is one thing I wish was different, still..
but I suppose I can't have everything....
Minor Grievances... plus good news
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.