FWD: From Aaron Stone. (www.theREALaaronStone.com)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Aaron here.
Let me preface this by reminding you that I'm but the messenger.
I'm posting this because there is a valid point here, whether some agree with it or not.
There is something to be said of maturity, for certain -- and the sheer lack of it brings us here today.
The following is an e-mail directly from Christopher Lyle, who has just terminated his account.
His reasons are included.
I think this should be read with care, consideration, and sincerity.
This is a bridge that has been burned.
Let it be the last.
Let this be an example to those who need it that their actions have consequences, and that NO ONE may impair the rights laid down by our forefathers in the FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
We're not the government, guys.
If someone has an opinion, they're entitled to it.
That's the beauty of being human.
"Moderator" privileges on ANY forum are granted for maintenance purposed exclusively. It's a professional title to take pride in, and treat with respect. Moderators exist to politely censor inappropriate content, lookout for malicious behavior, and prevent emotions from getting out of hand. A moderator is an arbiter, taking an impartial and unbiased stance on the subjects which he/she must edit.
Moderators also only exist to HELP the owner of the forums. Shane can't be everywhere at once, he's a busy man. We were given the privilege because he trusts us.
His trust in some of us just cost a very dear price.
It hurt me greatly to read the following, because by involving myself with Blackline, my reputation (as well as all of yours) is on the line. My own patience with immaturity is remarkably thin. I will risk time and effort for nearly anything -- but so help me God I will not risk my career and my reputation for children on a power trip.
Let it be known that we have burned one bridge.
This will not happen again.
You have no right to truncate or modify people's thoughts simply because you have the ability.
Play nice.
Creative Artist
Purveyor of Visual Arts
Brain Ninja
From Christopher Lyle:
I have decided to end my participation with this forum.
When I was invited to join, my thought was, "great...another magic forum." Then when I got in here and began surfing around, I was even less amused...but since my buddy Aaron was part of it, I decided to give it a chance....
In moving forward, it was my hope that I would be able to offer my advice and commentary to help and advise the membership since my experience far out weighs just about everyone (staff included) who is on this forum. I'm always happy to assist new comers to our art so I stuck around and tried to make my little dent...
Over the last 48 hours, my posts have been compromised. They have been edited/deleted and I REFUSE to be censored. Gambit...I don't buy your bullPoop excuse for how you accidentally edited my post. If you're going to lie, then come up with something better.
You cannot have a forum where you want people to express their opinions and when their opinions don't fit your mold, banish that person's 1st amendment rights and censor them to paint a different picture. Both GAMBIT and RYAN have edited my posts and other posts I made mysteriously disappeared so who knows who was behind that! BULLPoop! COMPLETE BULLPoop!
All of you guys are an absolute joke and I want NOTHING to do with Blackline. I have a very strong voice within the Magic Community and I shall warn anyone/everyone to stay far away from here as you're all a clan of immature children (most of whom aren't even old enough to vote) who believe in Censorship rather than Free Speech!
Perhaps when you all grow up, your little corner of the planet will be a success. But with your current ways, you will fail. It's a mathematical certainty....
I have deleted all of my posts and have removed my account from the site. The only footprint I leave behind is this email that no doubt...will also be deleted!
Good Riddance!
Christopher Lyle
An Open Letter to the BlackLine Magic Staff
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.