I'm really not sick that often.
I went to the hospital last week for medication for an infection.
The prescriptions were too costly, so I put them off, and find myself in a painful predicament.
I went back to the hospital as a last resort chance to find some kind of relief for this pain, only to be told there was nothing more they could do until the infection cleared.
The pharmacy close right before I got there.
I spent 5 minutes crying when I saw my gas gauge light turn on.
I had to take out my contacts because my eyes hurt.
I'm coughing up bits of blood.
I can't swallow my own spit, much less anything else.
I hurt, I'm coughing, and drowning in problems.
I hear help is coming, but no idea how soon -- if at all.
The belts on my car need to be replaced, because 2 of them are cracked and not going to make it much farther. The engine needs a tune-up. It needs the fluids flushed and replaced. I've got nearly bald tires and a hole in my exhaust pipe. I put about 6k miles on my car each month. I'm 4k miles overdue for an oil change, but can't do ANY of that because of rent, cell phone, internet, electricity, food, and gas itself.
I spend all my freetime working just to have the money for the few bills I can pay...
...I really. Fucking. Hate. My. Life.
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.