First off, there is a short photography rant. Magic at the end, stay tuned.
So, I recently learned what the term "Sluggo" means. It's a model's jealous controlling boyfriend.
Anyway, three recent shoots I had scheduled were cancelled because of the B/F.
One, when scheduling she said, "Don't put anything on my FB that we're shooting. My b/f doesn't like me modeling anymore," and she's an upstart model trying to become a full-timer.
Another one said, "I have to cancel, sorry; I showed my bf your work and he loves it and would rather do a couples shoot instead of the thing we were supposed to shoot today." (When I let her know that I didn't need couples shoots for my port and it wouldn't be TF*, she got mad, and couldn't believe that I'd make her pay for a shoot. Needless to say, we will not be working together).
The last one said, "be really careful not to delete ANY photos off the card or anything. my b/f will check the image numbers and timestamps to make sure nothing was deleted or a lot of time passed during the shoot where something could happen."
If your significant other is that paranoid, don't be a model -- or leave them. Make a choice, and leave me out of it...
Which brings me to a very, important point, the reason I made this entry!
I actually had a performance cancelled by a jealous b/f.
My ONLY dealings with this woman consisted of her finding my website on her own, sending me an e-mail asking if I did adult parties, as she wanted to plan a surprise for her b/f who loves magic; and me replying with my rates and the words, "I can't wait to work for you!" like I always do.
Almost verbatim,
"Hello. My name is K*****, and I was curious if you perform for all-adult parties. My b/f really loves magic and I want to surprise him with a magic show. All of our friends and us like more nightclubbish and a little crude humor so I'm looking for the perfect fit for his party. Is this something you can do? Also, he knows a lot of magicians so if you know him don't tell him what I'm planning!! (: If you can do this, how much do you charge? -K****"
and my reply
"Hi K*****! I do, indeed, cater to adult parties. And not to worry, as a professional I'm quite good at keeping secrets. I certainly won't tell him, haha, so it should be an exciting occasion for all! Are you looking for a half hour or full hour? My rates are $*** and $*** respectively. Let me know; I can't wait to work for you! Magically, Aaron Stone"
The event, unbeknownst to her "man," was his surprise birthday party. I got a phone call (the number matched the number her e-mail signature provided) from a very angry, upset man who hung up on me (conversation to be transcribed following...) after screaming a load of obscenities about how what I'm doing is morally wrong and how I'm never to e-mail his "girl" ever again, or he'll "kill" me.
The conversation, "Hello?"
"Yea is this Aaron Stone?"
"This is he! What can I do for you?"
"Listen up motherfucker, I don't know who you think you are but I read the e-mail you sent to my girl and I know she never fucking contacted you cause her sent mail is cleaned out and I don't know who you think you are mutherfucker but she don't have the money for a professional loverboy and she ain't gonna spend my fucking money on no jiggalo for when I'm at work putting food on her fucking table. You contact her ever again and I swear to god I'll kill you muthafucker gangbangin prostitue!"
Before I could reply, or laugh, even, he hung up. I didn't bother calling back. I figure I'll get a phone call apology soon enough.
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.