When you have to make the decision to give up things for the sake of a better act.
But I suppose we must all ride the wave of change, so we are not caught beneath it.
I just miss wearing all black with red accents.
It just doesn't speak the right message, though.
Luckily, that's all about to change.
Peek at www.aaronthemagician.com to see where it's going.
I am adamantly not advertising that I do shows for children. Yes, I will do them, but only if asked.
I am so tired of fitting the stereotype of "magician."
I'm ready to be called an entertainer.
Sometimes it hurts...
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.