Sure, if you're an entertainer and you're "working," your integrity or honesty on stage is not entirely crucial. Magicians need that air of mystery and cloak of deceit. It's natural.
However, in real life, honesty matters most.
When you advertise something, or you respond to some type of advertisement, you expect it to be legitimate.
When a popular website wants you to enter a credit card, at no charge, for age verification purposes ONLY -- stating in big, bold letters, "You will not be charged for this verification."... And you are charged anyway (hundreds of dollars).. to be quite frank, it really chaps your ass.
In the real world, honesty and integrity should reign supreme. This would eliminate a lot of drama, heartache, and misery.
On stage, do whatever the hell you want to to bring the greatest amount of entertainment to your audiences, but when you're off that stage... anything not pertaining to your act, speak carefully... and carry a big stick.
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.