A mindless tirade from the say-all do-all completely insane magician himself.

And so it begins....

Reborn Anew...

Hey all. Computer workstation back up and running. At the whim of Bizzaro, I will be updating and upgrading my website over the course of the next 48 hours.
Heheheh... wish me luck.

Life is getting much better.
I am now only really allowed two options -- be depressed, or be motivated.
Motivation sounds much more productive.
So hopefully you'll soon see the fruits of my infinite freetime.
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.
Aaron Stone

Involuntary Hiatus

"Colonel O'Neil, I must take my leave of the SGC..."

I am up and moving my base of operations.
All of it.
Even the sticky tac on the walls.

Cause it's sticky tac.

I'm not 100% sure when I'll regain access to the vitual world, but rest assured, I will twitter.
Ah, the simple things.

Until then, c'est la vie!
(That means something in French, and you're supposed to smile and nod. Do it. Good.).

Like anyone is reading this anyway, lol...
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.
Aaron Stone

No news is well...a sign.

Ladies and Gentlemen...
I've gathered you here today to read, at your leisure, an update on my life's direction path.

It's a bittersweet spot that is causing a lot of changes to take place that most of you likely saw coming, yet I stepped into with a smile -- like the black guy in the Resident Evil movie when the laser went grid-like and diced his ass.

I've been doing more shows and more networking than I have in as long as I can remember, and have been more productive than I have been in years. For this, I am truly glad.
I have an amazing girlfriend, with a supportive family, and friends and collegues like you who are now reading...
what more could I ask for?

Absolutely nothing.
Which is why I'm writing you now.

It's been getting rougher, and I'm finally stepping through a window of opportunity and leaving my apartment. That, and the eviction notice helps. Hehehe, but anyway...
I will be losing internet access within a couple of hours, and electricity not too soon afterwards.
My phone is scheduled for disconnection within the next 24 hours, and my bank is looking for my car. *Rolls eyes* yay...
At this point, there is nothing anyone can do to get me out, so I'm NOT writing to ask for help.
I'm writing to put your minds at ease. Let me explain...

I'm not sure how much longer I'll be here, but regardless the bills are simply not sustainable on my current income so I'm bowing out gracefully while I still can. I am 90% sure I will be going to live with my girlfriend and her family for some time, as it's fairly close to where I am now, will be much more maintainable, bill-wise, and they have been gracious enough to allow me to infest...er... stay in.. their home.

Hopefully, I will be keeping the same phone number, but I will have less access to the internet and similar services for quite some time.
Most of my belongings will be moved to storage, with the exception of some essentials.
This sounds like bad news, but it's actually really, REALLY good news.

So, if you're still reading this, please know, I sent you here to read this because I value you as a friend, and I wanted you to know that I'm alive, well, and (considering the circumstances) couldn't be happier where I am right now. I have done my best, and learned it's not currently good enough. I can now take the time and focus to become as good as I need to be -- to be who I want to be.

If you're reading this, you are my friend, and I don't want you to worry.
:) I'll see you again soon.

Aaron T. Stone
The official rant and rave and general musing location of Aaron Stone. Half crazed and completely, hilariously unpredictable, he needs a place to keep his thoughts, so they don't keep him.
Aaron Stone